Sleep Comfortably During Pregnancy
Does every position bother you and keep waking you up in the middle of the night? That is very common in the second and third trimester of pregnancy as you are stuck with only one option – the side lying…
Does every position bother you and keep waking you up in the middle of the night? That is very common in the second and third trimester of pregnancy as you are stuck with only one option – the side lying…
Falling down, getting back up and get back in to the game as kids is cool but what is not cool about that is trauma to any part of the body can have severe consequences few months later or few…
Sometimes surgery for orthopaedic conditions is unavoidable. Have you recently undergone surgery? …Or did you undergo surgery a long time ago and still don’t feel fully restored? Your surgeon likely gave you a general rehab protocol designed for all…
Notice a bulge in your abdomen post delivery? It could be diastasis recti, which develops initially post-pregnancy due to lack of strength in your lower abdominal muscles (transverse abdominis, obliques, deep fibers of psoas and quadratus lumborum) that work as…
Pregnant with low back pain? Uncomfortable with being in one position for long? Afraid to keep taking medications because you are worried you’ll hurt the baby? Difficult to continue to function and keep up with physical activities? Back pain during…
Arthritis is an unfortunate term. Due to our association with the diagnosis, we picture an evil presence inside our body and a “disease” that spreads and wreaks havoc on our joints to cause pain and stiffness. We didn’t see it…
Whether you’re an athlete, an exercise fanatic or a casual gym-goer – your injury is a loss. Perhaps a loss of motion, a loss of time, or a loss of function. With all loss follows grief. Understanding your emotional path…
It’s universal. That feeling in the pit of your stomach when that orange light pops up on your dashboard. It is a sign that something went wrong. Not knowing whether it’s a major problem or just the gas-cap, we all…
Recovering from an injury or physical ailment can be a huge source of stress. We often give in to the stress, dealing with the emotional and physical symptoms – the tension headaches, fatigue, mood swings… But, let’s take a look…
We have been promoting Tart Cherry Juice Concentrate to our patients for some time now. Here’s why: Anti-Inflammatory: Chronic inflammation is fairly common in our society of “no-pain, no-gain”. The degenerative and sensitizing effects of chronic inflammation are well documented,…