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New to Us?

There are TWO options to Begin:

• Consult-Only (45-min Live or Virtual Session)


• Consult+Eval+Treat (90-min Live Session) *RECOMMENDED*

Our Process:


  • Deep dive into your history, complaints and previous treatments
  • Learn and discuss WHY previous treatments didn’t work
  • Uncover the true SOURCE of your complaint(s) and HOW they developed
  • Learn realistic strategies to self-manage and self-treat
  • *Identify the systems, structures and functions to be Evaluated*


  • Examine, measure and test the systems, structures and functions identified in the Consult
  • Create the clinical Assessment (your situational summary)
  • Develop the Treatment Plan (what order to treat and how)


  • A Pre-test is performed to measure a specific, challenging/painful movement or position
  • Hands-on, integrated manual therapy treatment is performed (based on the eval)
  • A Post-test is performed to highlight the changes from the pre-test
  • Results are measurable - every session

Current Clients:

Need to continue your current care?

*Please note*

If you haven't been seen in:

3+ months -> a Re-Evaluation is needed

2+ years -> a New Client Evaluation is needed

What is Visceral Manipulation?


Vidhi Shastri, PT, CFMT

Viscera - relates to the internal organs of the body, such as the liver, kidneys and intestines. Visceral manipulation (VM) is a gentle form of manual therapy that aids your body's ability to release restrictions and unhealthy compensations that cause pain and dysfunction. VM does not focus solely on the site of pain or dysfunction, but evaluates the entire body to find the source of the problem. Skilled assessment with hands on manual therapy, the therapist can feel for the altered or decreased motion within the viscera as well as restrictive patterns throughout the body.

This treatment helps to re-establish the body's own ability to adapt and restore itself to efficiency and health.

Physical Therapist performs manual therapy on the abdomen of a client

Emotions are stored in the organs as well. With the current stress all around the world due to COVID-19, emotional reactions can translate into simple spasms in the gallbladder or heartburn, vomiting, feeling faint, ulcers and even more serious diseases. When the brain receives negative emotions it sends tension to the related organ, the organ then sends tension back to the brain resulting in a vicious cycle. Conversely, a physically damaged or imbalanced organ can stimulate emotional upset. With the help of visceral manipulation we can break this cycle, enhance health of the organ, and restore emotional balance.


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New to Us?

There are TWO options to Begin:

Consult-Only (45-min Live or Virtual Session)

Consult+Eval+Treat (90-min Live Session) *RECOMMENDED*

Our Process:


  • Deep dive into your history, complaints and previous treatments
  • Learn and discuss WHY previous treatments didn’t work
  • Uncover the true SOURCE of your complaint(s) and HOW they developed
  • Learn realistic strategies to self-manage and self-treat
  • *Identify the systems, structures and functions to be Evaluated*


  • Examine, measure and test the systems, structures and functions identified in the Consult
  • Create the clinical Assessment (your situational summary)
  • Develop the Treatment Plan (what order to treat and how)


  • A Pre-test is performed to measure a specific, challenging/painful movement or position
  • Hands-on, integrated manual therapy treatment is performed (based on the eval)
  • A Post-test is performed to highlight the changes from the pre-test
  • Results are measurable - every session

Current Clients:

Need to continue your current care?